初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 1 hrs30 mins
(初回限定:First Time)ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(70min)
¥8,800 > ¥7,920
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
Sliding cupping peels off fascial adhesions, improves blood flow and lymph, and can be expected to recover from fatigue, improve the range of motion of the joints, and improve the training effect.
Sliding cupping peels off fascial adhesions, improves blood flow and lymph, and can be expected to recover from fatigue, improve the range of motion of the joints, and improve the training effect.
初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 1 hrs
(初回限定)オイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage
¥6,600 > ¥5,940
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
This treatment relieves the body of fatigue with oil and improves blood flow and lymphatic flow.
This treatment relieves the body of fatigue with oil and improves blood flow and lymphatic flow.
初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 2 hrs
(初回限定)全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)
¥15,400 > ¥13,860
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
Full body hair removal with the latest photoepilator (made in Japan)
Full body hair removal with the latest photoepilator (made in Japan)
初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 1 hrs30 mins
(初回限定:First Time)ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(70min)
¥8,800 > ¥7,920
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
Sliding cupping peels off fascial adhesions, improves blood flow and lymph, and can be expected to recover from fatigue, improve the range of motion of the joints, and improve the training effect.
Sliding cupping peels off fascial adhesions, improves blood flow and lymph, and can be expected to recover from fatigue, improve the range of motion of the joints, and improve the training effect.
初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 1 hrs
(初回限定)オイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage
¥6,600 > ¥5,940
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
This treatment relieves the body of fatigue with oil and improves blood flow and lymphatic flow.
This treatment relieves the body of fatigue with oil and improves blood flow and lymphatic flow.
初回限定:First Time Coupon
Est. Duration:Approx. 2 hrs
(初回限定)全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)
¥15,400 > ¥13,860
Terms of use
Expiration Date:
当店に初めてご来店されるお客様限定:First Time Only
Full body hair removal with the latest photoepilator (made in Japan)
Full body hair removal with the latest photoepilator (made in Japan)