- クーポン
- ホワイトリンクルケア フェイシャル 60分 White Wrinkle Care Facial 60min
- Est. Duration
- Approx. 1 hrs30 mins
- Expiration Date
Seaweed-derived ingredients and ingredients extracted from sea lily flowers that bloom on the beach address wrinkles and brighten your skin by one tone. This treatment normalizes skin regeneration to create clear, translucent skin. It increases the skin's overall metabolism, directly targets age spots, freckles, and dullness, and restores brightness to your skin. Experience cutting-edge marine-derived beauty.
Seaweed-derived ingredients and ingredients extracted from sea lily flowers that bloom on the beach address wrinkles and brighten your skin by one tone. This treatment normalizes skin regeneration to create clear, translucent skin. It increases the skin's overall metabolism, directly targets age spots, freckles, and dullness, and restores brightness to your skin. Experience cutting-edge marine-derived beauty.
ヘッドマッサージ 30分 Ayurveda Head Massage 30min¥5,50030 minsアーユルヴェーダに基づく頭部とお顔のポイントを刺激して頭と⽬元をすっきりさせます。リフレッシュしたい方におすすめですStimulates points on the head and face based on Ayurveda to refresh the head and eyes. Recommended for those who want to refresh themselves.
フットセラピー 30分 Foot Reflexology 30min¥5,50030 mins膝下から⾜裏をしっかりトリートメント。ハンドテクニックと⽞武⽯を使⽤した反射区(ゾーン)刺激の相乗効果で、より⾼い爽快感をもたらし体の内側までほぐしていきます。 Tension relief is instantaneous as the application of pressure to vital energy points heals the whole body and mind, not just prevailing symptoms.