①ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping
Sliding cupping removes fascial adhesions and improves blood flow and lymph, which can help relieve fatigue, improve joint range of motion, and improve training effects.
Sliding cupping removes fascial adhesions and improves blood flow and lymph, which can help relieve fatigue, improve joint range of motion, and improve training effects.
トータルボディケア:Total Body Care(70min)¥9,9001 hrs30 minsお好きなメニューを組み合わせて、身体の不具合を調整します
①ジュラシック筋膜リリース ②整体(電気治療含む) ③オイルマッサージ ④体幹トレーニング
You can combine your favorite menus to adjust your body's problems.
① Sliding Cupping ② Chiropractic with Electrotherapy ③ Deep Tissue Massage ④ Core training -
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(45min)¥6,6001 hrsジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(45min)
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(70 min)¥8,8001 hrs30 minsジュラシック筋膜リリース(マッサージ付き):Sliding Cupping with Deep Tissue Massage(70 min)
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(90min)¥11,0001 hrs45 minsジュラシック筋膜リリース(体幹トレーニング付):Sliding Cupping with Core Training(90min)
②マッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage
揉みほぐし:Deep Tissue Massage(no oil)¥5,500揉みほぐし:Deep Tissue Massage(no oil)
オイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage(with oil)¥6,6001 hrs15 minsオイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage(with oil)
整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(30min)¥4,40045 mins整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(30min)
整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(60min)¥7,7001 hrs15 mins整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(60min)
④光脱毛:Laser Hair Removal
④光脱毛:Laser Hair Removal
Since we use the latest Japanese hair removal device, it has high cooling capacity to minimize pain and maximize the hair removal effect.
Since we use the latest Japanese hair removal device, it has high cooling capacity to minimize pain and maximize the hair removal effect.
Since we use the latest Japanese hair removal device, it has high cooling capacity to minimize pain and maximize the hair removal effect.
Since we use the latest Japanese hair removal device, it has high cooling capacity to minimize pain and maximize the hair removal effect.
〇全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)¥15,4001 hrs45 mins全身の光脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Laser Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)
〇全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIOなし):Full Body Hair Removal(no Beard no VIO)¥11,0001 hrs30 mins全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIOなし):Full Body Hair Removal(no Beard no VIO)
〇上半身脱毛(ヒゲなし):Upper body hair removal(no Beard)¥7,70030 mins上半身脱毛(ヒゲなし):Upper body hair removal(no Beard)
〇下半身脱毛(VIOなし):Lower body hair removal(no VIO)¥6,60030 mins下半身脱毛(VIOなし):Lower body hair removal(no VIO)
〇VIOセット脱毛:VIO set hair removal¥4,40030 minsVIOセット脱毛:VIO set hair removal
〇ヒゲ脱毛:Beard hair removal¥3,30030 minsヒゲ脱毛:Beard hair removal
〇全身シェイビング:Full Body Shaving¥3,30030 mins全身シェイビング:Full Body Shaving
背部脱毛:Back hair removal¥3,30015 mins背部脱毛:Back hair removal
胸部脱毛 :Chest hair removal¥2,20015 mins胸部脱毛 :Chest hair removal
腹部脱毛:Abdomen hair removal¥2,20015 mins腹部脱毛:Abdomen hair removal
脇脱毛:Armpits hair removal¥1,10015 mins脇脱毛:Armpits hair removal
Vライン脱毛:V-line hair removal¥3,30015 minsVライン脱毛:V-line hair removal
Iライン脱毛 :I-Ine hair removal¥3,30015 mins膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal
Oライン脱毛:O-line hair removal¥2,20015 minsOライン脱毛:O-line hair removal
肘上脱毛:Above elbow Hair removal¥2,20015 mins肘上の光脱毛:Above elbow Hair removal
肘下脱毛:Below elbow hair removal¥2,20015 mins肘下脱毛:Below elbow hair removal
膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal¥4,40015 mins膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal
膝下脱毛:Below knee hair removal¥4,40015 mins膝下脱毛:Below knee hair removal
お尻脱毛:Buttocks hair removal¥2,20015 minsお尻脱毛:Buttocks hair removal
うなじ脱毛:Nape of neck hair removal¥1,10015 minsうなじ脱毛:Nape of neck hair removal
手の甲・指脱毛:Back of hands/fingers hair removal¥1,10015 mins手の甲・指脱毛:Back of hands/fingers hair removal
足の甲・指脱毛:Instep/fingers hair removal¥1,10015 mins足の甲・指脱毛:Instep/fingers hair removal
〇複数カテゴリーを選択したい方はこちら:Click here if you want to select multiple categories
トータルボディケア:Total Body Care(70min)¥9,9001 hrs30 minsお好きなメニューを組み合わせて、身体の不具合を調整します
①ジュラシック筋膜リリース ②整体(電気治療含む) ③オイルマッサージ ④体幹トレーニング
You can combine your favorite menus to adjust your body's problems.
① Sliding Cupping ② Chiropractic with Electrotherapy ③ Deep Tissue Massage ④ Core training -
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(45min)¥6,6001 hrsジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(45min)
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(70 min)¥8,8001 hrs30 minsジュラシック筋膜リリース(マッサージ付き):Sliding Cupping with Deep Tissue Massage(70 min)
ジュラシック筋膜リリース:Sliding Cupping(90min)¥11,0001 hrs45 minsジュラシック筋膜リリース(体幹トレーニング付):Sliding Cupping with Core Training(90min)
揉みほぐし:Deep Tissue Massage(no oil)¥5,500揉みほぐし:Deep Tissue Massage(no oil)
オイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage(with oil)¥6,6001 hrs15 minsオイルマッサージ:Deep Tissue Massage(with oil)
整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(30min)¥4,40045 mins整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(30min)
整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(60min)¥7,7001 hrs15 mins整体:Chiropractic with electrotherapy(60min)
〇全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)¥15,4001 hrs45 mins全身の光脱毛(ヒゲ・VIO込):Full Body Laser Hair Removal(Beard/VIO included)
〇全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIOなし):Full Body Hair Removal(no Beard no VIO)¥11,0001 hrs30 mins全身脱毛(ヒゲ・VIOなし):Full Body Hair Removal(no Beard no VIO)
〇上半身脱毛(ヒゲなし):Upper body hair removal(no Beard)¥7,70030 mins上半身脱毛(ヒゲなし):Upper body hair removal(no Beard)
〇下半身脱毛(VIOなし):Lower body hair removal(no VIO)¥6,60030 mins下半身脱毛(VIOなし):Lower body hair removal(no VIO)
〇VIOセット脱毛:VIO set hair removal¥4,40030 minsVIOセット脱毛:VIO set hair removal
〇ヒゲ脱毛:Beard hair removal¥3,30030 minsヒゲ脱毛:Beard hair removal
〇全身シェイビング:Full Body Shaving¥3,30030 mins全身シェイビング:Full Body Shaving
背部脱毛:Back hair removal¥3,30015 mins背部脱毛:Back hair removal
胸部脱毛 :Chest hair removal¥2,20015 mins胸部脱毛 :Chest hair removal
腹部脱毛:Abdomen hair removal¥2,20015 mins腹部脱毛:Abdomen hair removal
脇脱毛:Armpits hair removal¥1,10015 mins脇脱毛:Armpits hair removal
Vライン脱毛:V-line hair removal¥3,30015 minsVライン脱毛:V-line hair removal
Iライン脱毛 :I-Ine hair removal¥3,30015 mins膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal
Oライン脱毛:O-line hair removal¥2,20015 minsOライン脱毛:O-line hair removal
肘上脱毛:Above elbow Hair removal¥2,20015 mins肘上の光脱毛:Above elbow Hair removal
肘下脱毛:Below elbow hair removal¥2,20015 mins肘下脱毛:Below elbow hair removal
膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal¥4,40015 mins膝上脱毛:Above knee hair removal
膝下脱毛:Below knee hair removal¥4,40015 mins膝下脱毛:Below knee hair removal
お尻脱毛:Buttocks hair removal¥2,20015 minsお尻脱毛:Buttocks hair removal
うなじ脱毛:Nape of neck hair removal¥1,10015 minsうなじ脱毛:Nape of neck hair removal
手の甲・指脱毛:Back of hands/fingers hair removal¥1,10015 mins手の甲・指脱毛:Back of hands/fingers hair removal
足の甲・指脱毛:Instep/fingers hair removal¥1,10015 mins足の甲・指脱毛:Instep/fingers hair removal